My ethos on living life is as follows: Live life like your painting the most beautiful picture with every person that has helped you along the way, each one being a different colour – paint happiness!

If you can live life like a painting, then boy are you in for a surprise. Suddenly you enjoy everything around you, you radiate positive energy and trust me, it comes back to you – sometimes in ten folds. Learn to love, not just the one in your life but, love family, friends, music, food, dance, art … love everything.

I applaud happiness, I applaud a smile, I applaud generosity, I applaud my health, I applaud everything. Remember when you’re feeling down, think of those that don’t have food and water. Gratitude heals unhappiness, and the pilgrimage to true happiness begins with gratitude.

You see, you’re the hero of your story, so make it amazing! Polish life with positivity, condition life with hope, and create ripples of happiness. A pious man once said, smile – it’s charity … so the next random person you see, just smile.